On Mon, 20 May 2024, Scott Lurndal wrote:
> Dimensional Traveler <***@sonic.net> writes:
>> On 5/19/2024 1:38 PM, D wrote:
>>> On Sun, 19 May 2024, Dimensional Traveler wrote:
>>>> On 5/19/2024 4:03 AM, D wrote:
>>>>> On Sat, 18 May 2024, Dimensional Traveler wrote:
>>>>>> On 5/18/2024 5:56 PM, Titus G wrote:
>>>>>>> On 19/05/24 01:34, Michael F. Stemper wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 17/05/2024 15.31, D wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I was unaware
>>>>>>> Ignorance is bliss.
>>>>>>> ?? we have anything resembling capitalism. What we have
>>>>>>>>> today is a plan economy with government calling the shots, which is
>>>>>>>>> far from capitalism. Many billionaires are the ones who are the most
>>>>>>>>> cosy with politicians.
>>>>>>>>> As for who the wealth belongs to and the benefits for the population
>>>>>>>>> at large, note that we are living at a high peak of civilization
>>>>>>>>> compared with 100 years ago on all scales, infant mortality, wealth,
>>>>>>>>> quality of life etc.
>>>>>>>> The implication of what you're saying is that living at the peak of
>>>>>>>> civilization is strongly correlated with having a planned economy
>>>>>>>> rather than capitalism.
>>>>>>> Be careful. You might smear his rose tinted spectacles.
>>>>>> One suspects that D is of the opinion that any kind of regulation or
>>>>>> legal restraint immediately makes a given economy "non-capitalist"
>>>>>> and a "planned economy".
>>>>> Yep, or if not, at least reduces the efficiency and produces worse
>>>>> results. On the other hand, I live in europe, so I get the "benefit"
>>>>> of studying socialism up close every day. I imagine living in the US
>>>>> or a more free country, that it is easier to come to the belief that
>>>>> government "fixes" all the problems of the market when you have not
>>>>> seen the horrors of socialism up close as in europe.
>>>>> On that theme, I recommend this article in FT where B??rje Ekholm, CEO
>>>>> of Ericsson says that overregulation is driving the EU to irrelevance
>>>>> (https://archive.is/XAISI).
>>>>> I agree completely with him.
>>>> The problem with your "definition" of a capitalist economy is that it
>>>> doesn't exist.?? Never has.?? There has ALWAYS been some kind of
>>>> regulation and laws about how commerce is transacted.?? When you start
>>>> stripping away all the propaganda and unfounded beliefs you find that
>>>> you can't _HAVE_ capitalism without rules and regulations.?? Can't have
>>>> a marketplace if there is nothing preventing someone from whacking
>>>> someone else over the head and taking their things.
>>> The only regulation that is necessary for two people to transact is what
>>> they agree upon. If you read what I say carefully you will find me
>>> criticizing government and political regulation. Nothing could be
>>> further from my mind and my position than banning two people who
>>> voluntarily transact to come up with their contracts.
>> So people cannot ban together to negotiate and trade? (What exactly do
>> you think a government is?)
>> So the sale of any kind of drug or chemical should not be regulated by
>> the government?
>> The sale of weaponry, explosives and the like should not be regulated by
>> the government?
>> The kidnapping, purchase and sale of other humans to be used as slave
>> labor should not be regulated by the government?
>> The destruction of the local environment and making the area around a
>> manufacturing facility uninhabitable and lethal should not be regulated?
> D is quoting from mises.org. From wikipedia:
> The Ludwig von Mises Institute for Austrian Economics,
> or Mises Institute, is a nonprofit think tank headquartered
> in Auburn, Alabama, that is a center for Austrian economics,
> radical right-wing libertarian thought and the paleolibertarian
> and anarcho-capitalist movements in the United States.
> It was founded in 1982 by Lew Rockwell, chief of staff to Texas
> Republican Congressman Ron Paul.
> "It favors a "Darwinian view of society in which elites are seen
> as natural and any intervention by the government on behalf of
> social justice is destructive".
That's a joke and it teaches us the political bias of wikipedia and why it
should never be used as a serious reference. Let me contrast that with
this text from mises.org:
"The Mises Institute is a non-profit organization that exists to promote
teaching and research in the Austrian school of economics, and individual
freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of
Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard".
Now you can go there yourself and form your own opinion.