Post by DPost by Lynn McGuirePost by Scott DorseyPost by Dimensional TravelerHe's also been beating "The Ukrainians should be part of Russia" drum
for some time now.
Putin has for some time been talking about restoring the Russian Empire of
the 19th century, and he will talk about various strategic possibilities
as if he is planning for a land invasion of the type that Napoleon tried.
In many ways he seems to work hard to emulate the czars.
So, sure, he wants Ukraine. And when he's got Ukraine he'll want Belarus
and Armenia and then the Baltic states.
Now... the big question is will he want Poland? When the Russian
happened, the Soviets let go of Poland which had previously been part of the
Russian Empire. Putin has talked extensively about what a
terrible job Lenin
did in giving away parts of the empire and allowing SSRs that were part of
the Soviet union a degree of autonomy that he believes they never should have
been granted.
In the Soviet era, Poland was just one of the Warsaw Pact states which were
allied and somewhat controlled by the Soviet Union but not actually part of
the Soviet union. (This was because they wanted a barrier of allied
states in order to block a land invasion.) Putin talks about how
weak this
arrangement was, and wants something stronger. The problem here is that
the Poles don't like Russia very much.
So.... yeah, this is why the war in Ukraine isn't just about Ukraine. And
yeah, it's an expensive war for Europe and the US to conduct, but not as
expensive as the alternative.
Poland is part of NATO. We will not allow Putin to take Poland.
Nevertheless, Poland is arming itself.
Putin already took Crimea and Georgia. He will do what he wants to do.
` He will only do what we allow him to do.
First bomb out of the rack from Russia
or its North Korean pal will result in a lot of
unplanned Russian demolitions and NK would be
be history.
You seem to have missed the message of WW II
which is that we can take a lot of punishment and still
beat the totaliltarian dictators.
Remember Pearl Harbor and the loss of most of
the Pacific Fleet? The futile attacks on the West Coast.
The incendary ballons sent to the Pacific Northwest?
If we had stood up to the Third Reich earlier
the Germans might not have advised the Japanese that
we were not fighters. Pacificistic Isolationists and
anti-semites kept Roosevelt from helping Europe until
we were attacked by Germany's Allies, the Axis.
Pacifistic intentions are fine until the invader
is at your door. Then you better hope that you have
learned from the past.
bliss - hobble on, hobble on.
There is a bunch of warmongers on this board.
This is an incorrect statement. We are strategic peace mongers. It did
not end well when the world allowed Hitler to grab what he wanted.
Likewise, allowing Putin to get away with it, will not end well.
We finish the fight hard, kick out Putin, restructure russia, and all
will be well.
Doing nothing will end in ww3.
The USA has been in constant war since WWII. Several of my uncles and
my wife's uncles fought in Korea and Vietnam. One of my cousins was in
the Army in Korea, several of my wife's cousins fought in Vietnam. My
son fought in Iraq. I vote that we let Europe fight it out this time on
their own. There will be more wars coming after this one.
Lynn echoes the 1930s when Linberg the Aviation hero led
the American First movement and allied with German-American Bund
to praise Fascist Germany and to say let Europe deal with its
own problems. Did not work out well then and it will not work
out well now if we let Putin have his agressive way.
Yes the USA entering on the World Stage has been rough but not
so rough except in some families that have suffered greatly. Yours is
one of those families and their casualities are horrific. But this
nation started with a war and has continued to fight even against the
Slavers of the South and the North. It stole most of the continent
from the Original Occupants by war. It feared the German Empire so
it very late joined WW I and then it was attacked in WW II by the
Japanese and beat them horrifically. No war no South Korea. We should
have stayed out of Vietnam but visions of profit motivated the USA,
not as a nation but as the powerful industrialists dreamed.
In the Afganistan business we were attacked and went after
the terrorists. In Iraq war I we were saving a trading partner but
in Iraq War II we were again motivated by profit and revenge with
a health dose of misunderstanding the idiot dictator.
We already have a war in Europe. Mr.Putin of Russia so degreed
it. Your advice is to let Putin take over the rest of the European
Continent and let our trading partners and suffer under whatever
regime Putin prefers. If your advice had been followed in 1941 we
would all be speaking German or Japanese. See Philip Dick's work
"The Man in the High Castle" and several other authors have dealt
with the outcome if we had been in truth a nation of shopkeepers.
You are happy with your sales in Europe it seems.
Will your sales to Europe under Putin decline? Or will he just
declare your copyrights void and let his software engineers play
with it. I bet they are already at this if he has not been so
foolish as to draft them.
Here are some interesting URLs I just dredged up.
bliss - hobble on...