On Sun, 28 Jul 2024 08:48:55 -0700, Paul S Person
Post by Paul S PersonOn Sat, 27 Jul 2024 16:11:34 -0500, Lynn McGuire
Post by Lynn McGuireBC: Swimming Time Trials
I am fairly sure that is not ok with the International Committee.
But drug-enhanced Chinese athletes appear to be /very/ OK with the
International Committee. It appears that the next Olympics will be
held in the USA only if we back off on our objections and make no
attempt to enforce our laws.
<snippo anti-Olympics rage>
Post by Paul S PersonThe French are using theirs to impose anit-Muslim rules on the
athletes. And as an excuse (as if they needed an excuse) to clean up
Paris from all the Muslim riff-raff that keep rioting and otherwise
behaving as if they were actual hunam beings. When the French know
full well that /they/ are the only actual human beings in existence.
Which is interesting because the artist who organized one of the more
notorious displays in the opening non-procession is claiming that
France, unlike everywhere else, enjoys "freedom of speech" so he can
insult whoever he likes. Not that his bit was intended to be an
insult; he's never even /heard/ of da Vinci, never mind copied a
Well, freedom of speech if you happen to be French. If you happen to
be Muslim, not so much. As least in the American sense, where wearing
a head-scarf for religious reasons /is/ freedom of speech (and
By the way, if the pagans are sitting instead of reclining on couches,
then they aren't behaving as pagans actually behaved (at least to the
best of my knowledge), back in the day.
And if they are celebrating Dionysus, why are they in a room at all?
Shouldn't they (all of them women, BTW) be out in the forest, chasing
men to devour in their frenzy?
So this might best be regarded as meaningless artistic nonsense. IMHO.
"Here lies the Tuscan poet Aretino,
Who evil spoke of everyone but God,
Giving as his excuse, 'I never knew him.'"