On Sun, 25 Aug 2024 14:06:33 -0500, Lynn McGuire
Post by Lynn McGuireOver The Hedge: Boys Gone Wild
It is 101 F in my backyard but it ain't that hot.
Thank goodness for Mr. Carrier and Mr. Friedrich.
It's actually been rather cool, rather cloudy, and rather wet here in
Seattle the last week or so (starting with a thunderstorm featuring
60mph winds and pea-sized hail, IIRC). In fact, one day tied with the
1960 record for lowest high temp on that date! Not matched for 64
years! And still not broken!
I don't remember August 1960 as such (too much fun outside to care
what month it was). But it /is/ a reminder that it really /can/ rain
at any time in Seattle!
I'm even considering turning the furnace back on and converting back
to long-sleeve shirts. But there is always a chance that it will warm
right back up in early September.
"Here lies the Tuscan poet Aretino,
Who evil spoke of everyone but God,
Giving as his excuse, 'I never knew him.'"