Post by Paul S PersonOn Thu, 2 May 2024 23:49:46 -0500, Lynn McGuire
Post by Lynn McGuirePearls Before Swine: I Fear 80
Me too. Only 16 years away.
2 years here.
But I've never broken my arm. Or warn a cast. Knock on wood.
I broke my right humorous 3/4 inch above the elbow (edge of the growth
plate) when I was five. Spent eight weeks in traction so they did not
have to pin it. Never had a cast. For my 60th, I got severe tendonitis
in my right wrist and elbow. Am considering surgery to resection the
lower tendon from the right wrist to the right elbow but the surgery
failure rate is high. I wear a right wrist brace all the time now.
I broke both lower right leg bones in a car wreck when I was eleven,
right above the ankle. The right leg is a little shorter than the left
leg. Spent six ? eight ? weeks in a cast.