Post by The Horny GoatPost by Pluted PupPost by Lynn McGuirePearls Before Swine: Banned Books
I am a devout Christian but I don't want to live in a theocracy. I also
don't trust anyone to make up a list of banned books.
In recent history over 50 Dilbert comics books
have been banned! Let's see Pearls Before Swine
complain about that!
And Tom Tomorrow in his comic strip suggests
that Floridians will be forced to read Dilbert,
so that would be forcing people to read apparently
offensive books and anyone who's gone to school
knows what it's like to be forced to read
offensive books like The Color Purple.
I consider myself one as well - but have no time for those that would
burn books or do the "Charlie Hebdo thing". And the creator of "Jesus
Pis" or the Nikos Kantizakis sub-plot about Jesus throwing it all over
in favor of a "normal life" is at least as offensive as those Danish
IIRC, that "sub-plot" was from based on something from one of the
early Fathers claiming that the final temptation happened and involved
choosing to live, but was, of course, greatly elaborated on by
Post by The Horny GoatFrankly I have nothing but contempt for the sort of Muslims who seem
to feel they have the right to engage in violence any time they feel
their faith is offended.
(Given the Mad Magazine parody of Lawrence of Arabia years ago it's
amazing they didn't declare jihad!)
And that very much >IS< happening more and more in Europe and European
countries who are quasi-defending Muslims who do outrageous things
like the ones who using searchlights shone "From the River to the Sea"
onto Big Ben.
I long ago reached the rather ungenerous conclusion that a "good
Muslim" is simply a Muslim who is not, at the moment, engaged in
terrorist activity. Of course, many Muslims are "good" in that sense
throughout their entire lives, but just because one is "good" today is
no guarantee of tomorrow. I now think that this is not phrased very
politely but, at the time, the attempt to distinguish "good Muslims"
from "bad Muslims" was in full force and clearly misconceived.
Post by The Horny GoatIf you're a Muslim and want to live in peace in the West as a good
neighbor (and I know personally quite a few who do) all well and good.
If you want to remake my society in your image to fit your social
mores - then to Hell with you. Nowhere more so than in attitudes
towards women.
Until the repeal of Roe v Wade, I enjoyed pointing out (when
appropriate) that the main difference between the Republicans and
Taliban was that the Taliban /actually enforced/ Traditional Family
Values while the Republicans merely used it to get votes. Sadly, those
days are gone forever -- at least on that issue.
Post by The Horny GoatAyaan Hirsi Ali has documented a lot of this in detail in her book
Prey. (I am aware she has since converted to Christianity but Prey was
written long before that)
"Here lies the Tuscan poet Aretino,
Who evil spoke of everyone but God,
Giving as his excuse, 'I never knew him.'"