The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
(too old to reply)
2025-01-01 04:36:40 UTC
The only people who claim this book is a forgery are the people who
have never read it.

2025-01-01 04:42:06 UTC
Post by r***@shell02.TheWorld.com
The only people who claim this book is a forgery are the people who
have never read it.
Since you appear to be illiterate for all intents and purposes, you
haven't read that BS book.
Bobbie Sellers
2025-01-01 06:11:59 UTC
Post by Sharx335
Post by r***@shell02.TheWorld.com
The only people who claim this book is a forgery are the people who
have never read it.
Since you appear to be illiterate for all intents and purposes, you
haven't read that BS book.
The Russian Secret Police under the Czar invented the whole
damned thing. Henry Ford, the original, took it up and used his wholly
owned newspaper to promote it as he was totally taken in by it as
he already hated Jews because at the turn of the Century 19th to
20th lots of Eastern European Jews were coming to the USA to escape
Russian Persecution aka Pogroms. Recently a popular web cartoonist
who does Sinfest has taken up the anti-semitic club. He pretends
that the Jews were responsible for the overthrow of the Greeco/Roman
and other pantheons but in reality it was the Christians who stole
the temples of the old gods. It was a Roman Emperor converted to
Christianity at the instigation of his Mama who made Christianity
the established religion of the Roman Empire, East and West.
Shortly in disputes over who was senior the Pope of Roman or the
Patriach of Constantinople, Christianity split into Roman Catholicism
and Eastern Orthodoxy.

The real pronlem is unregulated Capitalism which survived
the Roman Empires and the Babylonian Empire before it with ownership
and interest. IMO

bliss - the hobbler
2025-01-01 16:31:52 UTC
Post by Sharx335
Post by r***@shell02.TheWorld.com
The only people who claim this book is a forgery are the people who
have never read it.
Since you appear to be illiterate for all intents and purposes, you
haven't read that BS book.
    The Russian Secret Police under the Czar invented the whole
damned thing. Henry Ford, the original, took it up and used his wholly
owned newspaper to promote it as he was totally taken in by it as
he already hated Jews because at the turn of the Century 19th to
20th lots of Eastern European Jews were coming to the USA to escape
Russian Persecution aka Pogroms.  Recently a popular web cartoonist
who does Sinfest has taken up the anti-semitic club.  He pretends
that the Jews were responsible for the overthrow of the Greeco/Roman
and other pantheons but in reality it was the Christians who stole
 the temples of the old gods. It was a Roman Emperor converted to
Christianity at the instigation of his Mama who made Christianity
the established religion of the Roman Empire, East and West.
Shortly in disputes over who was senior the Pope of Roman or the
Patriach of Constantinople, Christianity split into Roman Catholicism
and Eastern Orthodoxy.
If you can get that much of a coherent plot out of Sinfest, you're
doing better than most - lets remember that this plot arc started
in Alice's Wonderland.

For those who don't know:

Sinfest is a webcomic (sinfest.xyz). It started around 2000, and
for the first decade was a cute and very fun slice-of-life comic,
with a clean and enjoyable art style. Around 2010 the brain worms
struck the author/artist, and it has turned into an increasingly
deranged polemic, starting with second-wave radical feminism,
TERF, SWERF, anti-gay, anti-woke, anti-DEI, and now, pure quill
anti-semitism, all while maintaining the same cutesy art style.

There's a sub on reddit: https://old.reddit.com/r/sinfest/
which has been following this train wreck of dumpster fires,
with sort of horrified fascination.
The real pronlem is unregulated Capitalism which survived
the Roman Empires and the Babylonian Empire before it with ownership
and interest. IMO
Indeed. I've formed the opinion that a *lot* of the things
wrong in America can be traced back to the point, in
the early 70s, when it was decided that the only fiduciary
duty of public corporations was to 'maximize shareholder
return on investment', and judging managers on terms no
longer than the last quarter.
James Nicoll
2025-01-01 16:50:43 UTC
Post by Cryptoengineer
If you can get that much of a coherent plot out of Sinfest, you're
doing better than most - lets remember that this plot arc started
in Alice's Wonderland.
Sinfest is a webcomic (sinfest.xyz). It started around 2000, and
for the first decade was a cute and very fun slice-of-life comic,
with a clean and enjoyable art style. Around 2010 the brain worms
struck the author/artist, and it has turned into an increasingly
deranged polemic, starting with second-wave radical feminism,
TERF, SWERF, anti-gay, anti-woke, anti-DEI, and now, pure quill
anti-semitism, all while maintaining the same cutesy art style.
There's a sub on reddit: https://old.reddit.com/r/sinfest/
which has been following this train wreck of dumpster fires,
with sort of horrified fascination.
It's not unheard of for comic artists to go a bit funny as they
age. Lynn Johnston, Neal Adams, and of course Kitchener's own
Dave Sim come to mind. But Sinfest's creator is a pretty extreme

The author seems to be healthy so perhaps we will find out
what's after the TERF > Nazi progression.
My reviews can be found at http://jamesdavisnicoll.com/
My tor pieces at https://www.tor.com/author/james-davis-nicoll/
My Dreamwidth at https://james-davis-nicoll.dreamwidth.org/
My patreon is at https://www.patreon.com/jamesdnicoll
James Nicoll
2025-01-01 17:04:33 UTC
Post by James Nicoll
Post by Cryptoengineer
If you can get that much of a coherent plot out of Sinfest, you're
doing better than most - lets remember that this plot arc started
in Alice's Wonderland.
Sinfest is a webcomic (sinfest.xyz). It started around 2000, and
for the first decade was a cute and very fun slice-of-life comic,
with a clean and enjoyable art style. Around 2010 the brain worms
struck the author/artist, and it has turned into an increasingly
deranged polemic, starting with second-wave radical feminism,
TERF, SWERF, anti-gay, anti-woke, anti-DEI, and now, pure quill
anti-semitism, all while maintaining the same cutesy art style.
There's a sub on reddit: https://old.reddit.com/r/sinfest/
which has been following this train wreck of dumpster fires,
with sort of horrified fascination.
It's not unheard of for comic artists to go a bit funny as they
age. Lynn Johnston, Neal Adams, and of course Kitchener's own
Dave Sim come to mind. But Sinfest's creator is a pretty extreme
The author seems to be healthy so perhaps we will find out
what's after the TERF > Nazi progression.
The whole creator working in isolation goes batshit crazy and
starts smearing excement on the walls career path is one of the
reason I work in theatre, as that's a context where I have to
cooperatively interact with a wide range of people.

The other reason is I had a terrible am dram experience in 2016
and I wanted to see if the issue was me or them. Thus far, I
get to do all the theatre jobs* (or the ones I want to do) while
that other group has cancelled shows and moved to ever smaller
venues. Kind of ambigious results, really.

* Not so much that I am good at them but because I am punctual.
It is amazing how much more useful a person who is present is
over someone who is absent.
My reviews can be found at http://jamesdavisnicoll.com/
My tor pieces at https://www.tor.com/author/james-davis-nicoll/
My Dreamwidth at https://james-davis-nicoll.dreamwidth.org/
My patreon is at https://www.patreon.com/jamesdnicoll
Mad Hamish
2025-01-05 10:36:03 UTC
Post by James Nicoll
* Not so much that I am good at them but because I am punctual.
It is amazing how much more useful a person who is present is
over someone who is absent.
I've known a few people where I think they were less use when they
were there
2025-01-01 19:56:14 UTC
Post by James Nicoll
Post by Cryptoengineer
If you can get that much of a coherent plot out of Sinfest, you're
doing better than most - lets remember that this plot arc started
in Alice's Wonderland.
Sinfest is a webcomic (sinfest.xyz). It started around 2000, and
for the first decade was a cute and very fun slice-of-life comic,
with a clean and enjoyable art style. Around 2010 the brain worms
struck the author/artist, and it has turned into an increasingly
deranged polemic, starting with second-wave radical feminism,
TERF, SWERF, anti-gay, anti-woke, anti-DEI, and now, pure quill
anti-semitism, all while maintaining the same cutesy art style.
There's a sub on reddit: https://old.reddit.com/r/sinfest/
which has been following this train wreck of dumpster fires,
with sort of horrified fascination.
It's not unheard of for comic artists to go a bit funny as they
age. Lynn Johnston, Neal Adams, and of course Kitchener's own
Dave Sim come to mind. But Sinfest's creator is a pretty extreme
If people really care, the pinned comment at the top of the sub
reddit goes into the artist's descent into madness in detail.

The most common theory is that he had a girl who left him, and
it broke him.
Post by James Nicoll
The author seems to be healthy so perhaps we will find out
what's after the TERF > Nazi progression.
I don't know - the Nazi/antisemite space seems to be a
strange attractor out of which its hard to escape.

Bobbie Sellers
2025-01-01 20:54:50 UTC
Post by Cryptoengineer
Post by James Nicoll
Post by Cryptoengineer
If you can get that much of a coherent plot out of Sinfest, you're
doing better than most - lets remember that this plot arc started
in Alice's Wonderland.
Sinfest is a webcomic (sinfest.xyz). It started around 2000, and
for the first decade was a cute and very fun slice-of-life comic,
with a clean and enjoyable art style. Around 2010 the brain worms
struck the author/artist, and it has turned into an increasingly
deranged polemic, starting with second-wave radical feminism,
TERF, SWERF, anti-gay, anti-woke, anti-DEI, and now, pure quill
anti-semitism, all while maintaining the same cutesy art style.
There's a sub on reddit: https://old.reddit.com/r/sinfest/
which has been following this train wreck of dumpster fires,
with sort of horrified fascination.
It's not unheard of for comic artists to go a bit funny as they
age. Lynn Johnston, Neal Adams, and of course Kitchener's own
Dave Sim come to mind. But Sinfest's creator is a pretty extreme
If people really care, the pinned comment at the top of the sub
reddit goes into the artist's descent into madness in detail.
The most common theory is that he had a girl who left him, and
it broke him.
Post by James Nicoll
The author seems to be healthy so perhaps we will find out
what's after the TERF > Nazi progression.
I don't know - the Nazi/antisemite space seems to be a
strange attractor out of which its hard to escape.
Look at the state of Israel which was founded to
escape Anti-Semites and how they treat the other semites
which include the Palestinians. Brutalized by the 3rd Reich
they now brutalize their semitic cousins.So they learned
bad lessons from the NAZI which they now repeat. And
become immersed in the space of continuing conflict.

It should be called the Unholy Land where demons
seem to have possessed humans since ancient times repeating
lies about people very little different from each other.

I don't know if the Artist is mad or suffering
some lesion-producing illness of his brain but he
persists in his folly despite societal disapproval.
I have read the story from the beginning to see the
stuff I like but he has withdrawn from the storylines
he had established and for example never returned to
the pup, the cat and himself as their slave.
I hope for his recovery.

bliss - the hobbler
2025-01-01 22:37:57 UTC
Post by Cryptoengineer
I don't know - the Nazi/antisemite space seems to be a
strange attractor out of which its hard to escape.
I like it! They are peculiar people, but they have their own distinct culture
which we must respect and treat on equal terms with our own. For instance, I
learned from a christian nazi once, that Jesus being a jew was not a problem,
because apparently god purged Jesus of his jewishness.

I bet you had no idea that he could do that!
Robert Carnegie
2025-01-02 13:59:04 UTC
Post by James Nicoll
Post by Cryptoengineer
If you can get that much of a coherent plot out of Sinfest, you're
doing better than most - lets remember that this plot arc started
in Alice's Wonderland.
Sinfest is a webcomic (sinfest.xyz). It started around 2000, and
for the first decade was a cute and very fun slice-of-life comic,
with a clean and enjoyable art style. Around 2010 the brain worms
struck the author/artist, and it has turned into an increasingly
deranged polemic, starting with second-wave radical feminism,
TERF, SWERF, anti-gay, anti-woke, anti-DEI, and now, pure quill
anti-semitism, all while maintaining the same cutesy art style.
There's a sub on reddit: https://old.reddit.com/r/sinfest/
which has been following this train wreck of dumpster fires,
with sort of horrified fascination.
It's not unheard of for comic artists to go a bit funny as they
age. Lynn Johnston, Neal Adams, and of course Kitchener's own
Dave Sim come to mind. But Sinfest's creator is a pretty extreme
The author seems to be healthy so perhaps we will find out
what's after the TERF > Nazi progression.
I think that again, your application of the
word "funny" is idiosyncratic. I'm going to
propose "go wrong" instead. And it may be
misleading to see that as age or brain health
related dementia typically, though I suppose
that can be the cause.

Perhaps we have more to say about cases of
SFF writers. In some cases - that the signs
were there before.
James Nicoll
2025-01-02 14:52:52 UTC
Post by Robert Carnegie
Post by James Nicoll
Post by Cryptoengineer
If you can get that much of a coherent plot out of Sinfest, you're
doing better than most - lets remember that this plot arc started
in Alice's Wonderland.
Sinfest is a webcomic (sinfest.xyz). It started around 2000, and
for the first decade was a cute and very fun slice-of-life comic,
with a clean and enjoyable art style. Around 2010 the brain worms
struck the author/artist, and it has turned into an increasingly
deranged polemic, starting with second-wave radical feminism,
TERF, SWERF, anti-gay, anti-woke, anti-DEI, and now, pure quill
anti-semitism, all while maintaining the same cutesy art style.
There's a sub on reddit: https://old.reddit.com/r/sinfest/
which has been following this train wreck of dumpster fires,
with sort of horrified fascination.
It's not unheard of for comic artists to go a bit funny as they
age. Lynn Johnston, Neal Adams, and of course Kitchener's own
Dave Sim come to mind. But Sinfest's creator is a pretty extreme
The author seems to be healthy so perhaps we will find out
what's after the TERF > Nazi progression.
I think that again, your application of the
word "funny" is idiosyncratic. I'm going to
propose "go wrong" instead. And it may be
misleading to see that as age or brain health
related dementia typically, though I suppose
that can be the cause.
Perhaps we have more to say about cases of
SFF writers. In some cases - that the signs
were there before.
"A bit funny" is less likely to attract lawsuits than
phrases like "batshit insane".
My reviews can be found at http://jamesdavisnicoll.com/
My tor pieces at https://www.tor.com/author/james-davis-nicoll/
My Dreamwidth at https://james-davis-nicoll.dreamwidth.org/
My patreon is at https://www.patreon.com/jamesdnicoll
2025-01-01 16:58:15 UTC
Post by Cryptoengineer
Post by Sharx335
Post by r***@shell02.TheWorld.com
The only people who claim this book is a forgery are the people who
have never read it.
Since you appear to be illiterate for all intents and purposes, you
haven't read that BS book.
    The Russian Secret Police under the Czar invented the whole
damned thing. Henry Ford, the original, took it up and used his wholly
owned newspaper to promote it as he was totally taken in by it as
he already hated Jews because at the turn of the Century 19th to
20th lots of Eastern European Jews were coming to the USA to escape
Russian Persecution aka Pogroms.  Recently a popular web cartoonist
who does Sinfest has taken up the anti-semitic club.  He pretends
that the Jews were responsible for the overthrow of the Greeco/Roman
and other pantheons but in reality it was the Christians who stole
 the temples of the old gods. It was a Roman Emperor converted to
Christianity at the instigation of his Mama who made Christianity
the established religion of the Roman Empire, East and West.
Shortly in disputes over who was senior the Pope of Roman or the
Patriach of Constantinople, Christianity split into Roman Catholicism
and Eastern Orthodoxy.
If you can get that much of a coherent plot out of Sinfest, you're
doing better than most - lets remember that this plot arc started
in Alice's Wonderland.
Sinfest is a webcomic (sinfest.xyz). It started around 2000, and
for the first decade was a cute and very fun slice-of-life comic,
with a clean and enjoyable art style. Around 2010 the brain worms
struck the author/artist, and it has turned into an increasingly
deranged polemic, starting with second-wave radical feminism,
TERF, SWERF, anti-gay, anti-woke, anti-DEI, and now, pure quill
anti-semitism, all while maintaining the same cutesy art style.
There's a sub on reddit: https://old.reddit.com/r/sinfest/
which has been following this train wreck of dumpster fires,
with sort of horrified fascination.
The real pronlem is unregulated Capitalism which survived
the Roman Empires and the Babylonian Empire before it with ownership
and interest. IMO
Indeed. I've formed the opinion that a *lot* of the things
wrong in America can be traced back to the point, in
the early 70s, when it was decided that the only fiduciary
duty of public corporations was to 'maximize shareholder
return on investment', and judging managers on terms no
longer than the last quarter.
Capitalist infidels? Putin recently broke the Jew taboo:

You know, what is happening with the [Russian Orthodox
Church] is a unique thing. After all, this is a gross,
flagrant violation of human rights, the rights of
believers. The church is being torn apart before the
eyes of the entire world. It is like a firing squad.
And everyone in the entire world prefers not to notice

I think that those who do this, this will come back to
haunt them. You said they are tearing things apart.
Yes, that is what is happening. Do you understand what
the matter is? These people are not even atheists.
Atheists are also people who believe in something. They
believe that there is no God, but this is their faith, their

But these are not atheists. These are people without any
faith at all, the godless. They - ethnic Jews, but who
has seen them in a synagogue? [А это не атеисты. Это люди
вообще без всякой веры, безбожники. Они - этнические евреи,
но кто их видел в синагоге?] In my opinion, no one has
seen them in a synagogue. They are not Orthodox
[православные] , either, because they do not go to churches.
They are certainly not followers of Islam, because they are
unlikely to appear in a mosque either.

These are people without a clan, without a tribe. [Это люди
без роду, без племени.] They don’t care about anything that
is dear to us and the overwhelming majority of the Ukrainian
people. They will run away someday and will go to the beach
instead of to church. But that’s their choice.

I think that someday they will remember this, and people in
Ukraine, and the overwhelming majority of Ukrainian residents
are still related to Orthodoxy [православию], will give them
an assessment.



Don.......My cat's )\._.,--....,'``. https://crcomp.net/reviews.php
telltale tall tail /, _.. \ _\ (`._ ,. Walk humbly with thy God.
tells tall tales.. `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.' Make 1984 fiction again.
Pluted Pup
2025-01-16 06:23:38 UTC
Post by r***@shell02.TheWorld.com
The only people who claim this book is a forgery are the people who
have never read it.
If I recall correctly, the Protocols book consists of
Jews bragging about how powerful they are. Jews call it
a hoax because the publishers didn't provide proof
that Theodore Herzl wrote it, as if that were relevant.
It is fact-free, so there isn't really anything to rebut
about it.

Interestingly, Apartheid South Africa banned reading
of the book, showing that they cared more about pleasing
Jews than whites or blacks.
Bobbie Sellers
2025-01-16 15:45:59 UTC
Post by Pluted Pup
Post by r***@shell02.TheWorld.com
The only people who claim this book is a forgery are the people who
have never read it.
If I recall correctly, the Protocols book consists of
Jews bragging about how powerful they are. Jews call it
a hoax because the publishers didn't provide proof
that Theodore Herzl wrote it, as if that were relevant.
It is fact-free, so there isn't really anything to rebut
about it.
Interestingly, Apartheid South Africa banned reading
of the book, showing that they cared more about pleasing
Jews than whites or blacks.
Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, white-skinned, black
skinned, yellow-skined red-skinned and brown-skinned are all
human people, one single species with less variations than our canine
friends. Not all canines, just our good dogs.

When the Protocols were forged by the Russian secret police
under the reign of the Czars the Jews under Russian control were
one of the most mistreated and suppressed minorities living mostly
in the Pale of Settlement. They were not allowed to own property
or to farm. But an industrious Jew might be hired by the big
landowners to collect taxes which of course were excessive and
the industrious person might profit a bit. This is called
"Tax Farming" but the Landowner/Nobility/etc. stayed out of
sight and the negative reactions fell on the Jewish tax
collectors and by extension other Jews who did other jobs.

If the PoEZ disappeared from the world it would
not make anti-semitism go away since it was endemic
in Europe long before the secret police got a bad idea.

bliss - the hobbler
2025-01-16 19:29:22 UTC
Post by Pluted Pup
Interestingly, Apartheid South Africa banned reading
of the book, showing that they cared more about pleasing
Jews than whites or blacks.
Utter bullshit. South Africa has gone to the nut bars.
2025-01-17 04:21:55 UTC
Post by Sharx335
Post by Pluted Pup
Interestingly, Apartheid South Africa banned reading
of the book, showing that they cared more about pleasing
Jews than whites or blacks.
Utter bullshit. South Africa has gone to the nut bars.
Niggers and jews are all the same breed; untermensch!
Bobbie Sellers
2025-01-17 05:41:31 UTC
Post by r***@shell02.TheWorld.com
Post by Sharx335
Post by Pluted Pup
Interestingly, Apartheid South Africa banned reading
of the book, showing that they cared more about pleasing
Jews than whites or blacks.
Utter bullshit. South Africa has gone to the nut bars.
Niggers and jews are all the same breed; untermensch!
Keep your hate to yourself. It is highly unlikely
that racists and bigots are in good with anyone.
The only obermensch were hung for their racist
and bigoted deeds after WW II if they did not cheat
justice by suicide.

Roman Justice crucified Jesus and the RC church
for many centuries encouraged anti-semitism. The Romans
honored achievement in battle so it is unlikely they
were hating on Black men.

bliss - hobbler
2025-01-17 15:55:41 UTC
Post by r***@shell02.TheWorld.com
Post by Sharx335
Post by Pluted Pup
Interestingly, Apartheid South Africa banned reading
of the book, showing that they cared more about pleasing
Jews than whites or blacks.
Utter bullshit. South Africa has gone to the nut bars.
Niggers and jews are all the same breed; untermensch!
    Keep your hate to yourself. It is highly unlikely
that racists and bigots are in good with anyone.
    The only obermensch were hung for their racist
and bigoted deeds after WW II if they did not cheat
justice by suicide.
    Roman Justice crucified Jesus and the RC church
for many centuries encouraged anti-semitism. The Romans
honored achievement in battle so it is unlikely they
were hating on Black men.
    bliss - hobbler
Bobbie - check the Newsgroups header on the original
post. This has been crossposted in a way to deliberately
stir up a flamewar.

Don't feed the troll.

Paul S Person
2025-01-17 16:36:48 UTC
On Fri, 17 Jan 2025 10:55:41 -0500, Cryptoengineer
<snippo unwanted nonsense>
Post by Cryptoengineer
Bobbie - check the Newsgroups header on the original
post. This has been crossposted in a way to deliberately
stir up a flamewar.
Don't feed the troll.
A bit late for that ... sadly.
"Here lies the Tuscan poet Aretino,
Who evil spoke of everyone but God,
Giving as his excuse, 'I never knew him.'"
2025-01-18 10:54:10 UTC
Post by Cryptoengineer
Post by r***@shell02.TheWorld.com
Post by Sharx335
Post by Pluted Pup
Interestingly, Apartheid South Africa banned reading
of the book, showing that they cared more about pleasing
Jews than whites or blacks.
Utter bullshit. South Africa has gone to the nut bars.
Niggers and jews are all the same breed; untermensch!
    Keep your hate to yourself. It is highly unlikely
that racists and bigots are in good with anyone.
    The only obermensch were hung for their racist
and bigoted deeds after WW II if they did not cheat
justice by suicide.
    Roman Justice crucified Jesus and the RC church
for many centuries encouraged anti-semitism. The Romans
honored achievement in battle so it is unlikely they
were hating on Black men.
    bliss - hobbler
Bobbie - check the Newsgroups header on the original
post. This has been crossposted in a way to deliberately
stir up a flamewar.
Don't feed the troll.
I do appreciate a good troll attempt, but it is an artform. There's
refined trolling, beautiful trolling and boring trolling. Good trolling
artists deserve our respect!
The Doctor
2025-01-17 01:29:31 UTC
Post by Pluted Pup
Interestingly, Apartheid South Africa banned reading
of the book, showing that they cared more about pleasing
Jews than whites or blacks.
Utter bull. South Africa has gone to the nut bars.
Just like Zimbabwe.
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
Birthdate - 29 January 1969 Redhill, Surrey, England, Uk
2025-01-18 03:28:44 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by Pluted Pup
Interestingly, Apartheid South Africa banned reading
of the book, showing that they cared more about pleasing
Jews than whites or blacks.
Utter bull. South Africa has gone to the nut bars.
Just like Zimbabwe.
i originate from west africa
Scott Dorsey
2025-01-18 23:58:35 UTC
Post by Pluted Pup
If I recall correctly, the Protocols book consists of
Jews bragging about how powerful they are. Jews call it
a hoax because the publishers didn't provide proof
that Theodore Herzl wrote it, as if that were relevant.
It is fact-free, so there isn't really anything to rebut
about it.
So, in 1938 there's a man at a cafe in Vienna reading a newspaper. A
friend of his comes up and looks at what he's reading, and then at
him, and then at what he's reading.

"How can you read that trash?" asks the friend, "How can you read
the Beobachter? How can you, as a Jew, read a paper publishing
this filth?"

"Well," began the man, but he was instantly interrupted.

"Look at this!" the friend said, leafing through the pages. "Jews
control finance, Jews control industry. Here's an article about
how Jews control sporting events. If you were to believe this
you would think everything was run by Jews."

"It's the only good thing I've heard all week!" said the man.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."
Scott Dorsey
2025-01-18 23:58:35 UTC
Post by Pluted Pup
If I recall correctly, the Protocols book consists of
Jews bragging about how powerful they are. Jews call it
a hoax because the publishers didn't provide proof
that Theodore Herzl wrote it, as if that were relevant.
It is fact-free, so there isn't really anything to rebut
about it.
So, in 1938 there's a man at a cafe in Vienna reading a newspaper. A
friend of his comes up and looks at what he's reading, and then at
him, and then at what he's reading.

"How can you read that trash?" asks the friend, "How can you read
the Beobachter? How can you, as a Jew, read a paper publishing
this filth?"

"Well," began the man, but he was instantly interrupted.

"Look at this!" the friend said, leafing through the pages. "Jews
control finance, Jews control industry. Here's an article about
how Jews control sporting events. If you were to believe this
you would think everything was run by Jews."

"It's the only good thing I've heard all week!" said the man.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."