Conference Cancels SF Author Fox For Refusing To Comply With Gender Pronouns
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2024-09-29 03:26:07 UTC
Richard Fox is an incredible sci-fi author with his Ember
War series and for Baen Books, and yet Author Nation is
choosing to discriminate against conservatives who don't
want to play pronoun games.

... Fox chose to mock the question rather than take it
seriously in the private survey. He filled out the form
with "f***/off," as he rightly didn't want to play the
game of gender politics for a conference that is supposed
to be about business. ...


Fox ought to sue for toxic exposure to a known mental health risk:

Transgender and gender nonbinary adults in the U.S. are
more likely to report worsening memory and thinking,
functional limitations and depression compared to
cisgender (non-transgender) adults, according to two
studies reported at the Alzheimer's Association
International Conference (AAIC) 2021 in Denver and



Don.......My cat's )\._.,--....,'``. https://crcomp.net/reviews.php
telltale tall tail /, _.. \ _\ (`._ ,. Walk humbly with thy God.
tells tall tales.. `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.' Make 1984 fiction again.
2024-09-29 09:38:47 UTC
Post by Don
Richard Fox is an incredible sci-fi author with his Ember
War series and for Baen Books, and yet Author Nation is
choosing to discriminate against conservatives who don't
want to play pronoun games.
... Fox chose to mock the question rather than take it
seriously in the private survey. He filled out the form
with "f***/off," as he rightly didn't want to play the
game of gender politics for a conference that is supposed
to be about business. ...
Transgender and gender nonbinary adults in the U.S. are
more likely to report worsening memory and thinking,
functional limitations and depression compared to
cisgender (non-transgender) adults, according to two
studies reported at the Alzheimer's Association
International Conference (AAIC) 2021 in Denver and
Don.......My cat's )\._.,--....,'``. https://crcomp.net/reviews.php
telltale tall tail /, _.. \ _\ (`._ ,. Walk humbly with thy God.
tells tall tales.. `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.' Make 1984 fiction again.
I think in the future there will be three types of SF conferences!

1. Ones where it is more important to play gender games and identity
politics than SF.

2. Ones that actively forbid gender games and identity politics to cater
to the conservative/rational crowd.

3. Ones that couldn't care less and welcome people from both 1 and 2.

I think in case of Richard, if gender nonsense is so important to the
conference, he is better off not attending focusing his time and energy on
other things.

For me, it is very simple, if I don't like the rules of a conference
(corona, gender, ideology etc.) I simply do not go there. Problem solved!
2024-09-30 23:50:24 UTC
Post by D
Post by Don
Richard Fox is an incredible sci-fi author with his Ember
War series and for Baen Books, and yet Author Nation is
choosing to discriminate against conservatives who don't
want to play pronoun games.
... Fox chose to mock the question rather than take it
seriously in the private survey. He filled out the form
with "f***/off," as he rightly didn't want to play the
game of gender politics for a conference that is supposed
to be about business. ...
Transgender and gender nonbinary adults in the U.S. are
more likely to report worsening memory and thinking,
functional limitations and depression compared to
cisgender (non-transgender) adults, according to two
studies reported at the Alzheimer's Association
International Conference (AAIC) 2021 in Denver and
I think in the future there will be three types of SF conferences!
1. Ones where it is more important to play gender games and identity
politics than SF.
2. Ones that actively forbid gender games and identity politics to cater
to the conservative/rational crowd.
3. Ones that couldn't care less and welcome people from both 1 and 2.
I think in case of Richard, if gender nonsense is so important to the
conference, he is better off not attending focusing his time and energy on
other things.
For me, it is very simple, if I don't like the rules of a conference
(corona, gender, ideology etc.) I simply do not go there. Problem solved!
How symposiums and such sort themselves out is of little consequence in my
case. What counts is a class action lawsuit. Or, to put a finer point on
it, the payoff from such a lawsuit.
Memory loss qualifies as a symptom of emotional trauma. It may open
the door to toxic tort personal injury law.


Don.......My cat's )\._.,--....,'``. https://crcomp.net/reviews.php
telltale tall tail /, _.. \ _\ (`._ ,. Walk humbly with thy God.
tells tall tales.. `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.' Make 1984 fiction again.
Michael F. Stemper
2024-09-30 21:00:09 UTC
Post by Don
Richard Fox is an incredible sci-fi author with his Ember
War series and for Baen Books, and yet Author Nation is
choosing to discriminate against conservatives who don't
want to play pronoun games.
... Fox chose to mock the question rather than take it
seriously in the private survey. He filled out the form
with "f***/off," as he rightly didn't want to play the
game of gender politics for a conference that is supposed
to be about business. ...
Did the poor widdle snowflake get triggered by the big, bad
conference organizers meanly asking people how they prefer to be
addressed? Oh, boo-hoo.

Well, now that I know how Fuck wants me to talk about Off, I'll try to
remember to do so in the future.
Post by Don
Transgender and gender nonbinary adults in the U.S. are
more likely to report worsening memory and thinking,
functional limitations and depression compared to
cisgender (non-transgender) adults,
Because, of course, the bacteria that makes people trans or non-binary
can be transmitted over a web site. Right.
Michael F. Stemper
Deuteronomy 24:17
Bobbie Sellers
2024-10-01 01:08:51 UTC
Post by Don
Richard Fox is an incredible sci-fi author with his Ember
War series and for Baen Books, and yet Author Nation is
choosing to discriminate against conservatives who don't
want to play pronoun games.
... Fox chose to mock the question rather than take it
seriously in the private survey. He filled out the form
with "f***/off," as he rightly didn't want to play the
game of gender politics for a conference that is supposed
to be about business. ...
Fox chose to say what he likes to be refered to apart from his name.
Looking at his picture it seems he is male and might prefer to be
designated Him or He. He chose to inject his personal politicis into
the matter. But maybe he did not want to be around the people who
prefer pronouns that may not fit their appearance.
But he is the one who chose to ignore the simple instruction
and maybe he felt entitled as a male author of some standing to ignore
social rules.
Post by Don
Transgender and gender nonbinary adults in the U.S. are
more likely to report worsening memory and thinking,
functional limitations and depression compared to
cisgender (non-transgender) adults, according to two
studies reported at the Alzheimer's Association
International Conference (AAIC) 2021 in Denver and
quoting from the article
"and the social inequities experienced by transgender adults are also
linked to an increased risk of cognitive impairment."

So if Mr.Fox had appeared he might have imposed social inequity
upon any transgender or non-binary individual who crossed his path.
Better if he stayed away then, at least for the gender inconguent
persons attending the conference. And some of them might be authors.
Post by Don
Don.......My cat's )\._.,--....,'``. https://crcomp.net/reviews.php
telltale tall tail /, _.. \ _\ (`._ ,. Walk humbly with thy God.
tells tall tales.. `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.' Make 1984 fiction again.
Heterosexuals seem awfully touchy and proud of it.

b l i s s - S F 4 e v e r at D S L E x t r e m e dot com
Lynn McGuire
2024-10-01 01:16:12 UTC
     Richard Fox is an incredible sci-fi author with his Ember
     War series and for Baen Books, and yet Author Nation is
     choosing to discriminate against conservatives who don't
     want to play pronoun games.
     ... Fox chose to mock the question rather than take it
     seriously in the private survey. He filled out the form
     with "f***/off," as he rightly didn't want to play the
     game of gender politics for a conference that is supposed
     to be about business. ...
    Fox chose to say what he likes to be refered to apart from his
name. Looking at his picture it seems he is male and might prefer to be
designated Him or He. He chose to inject his personal politicis into
the matter.  But maybe he did not want to be around the people who
prefer pronouns that may not fit their appearance.
    But he is the one who chose to ignore the simple instruction
and maybe he felt entitled as a male author of some standing to ignore
social rules.
     Transgender and gender nonbinary adults in the U.S. are
     more likely to report worsening memory and thinking,
     functional limitations and depression compared to
     cisgender (non-transgender) adults, according to two
     studies reported at the Alzheimer's Association
     International Conference (AAIC) 2021 in Denver and
    quoting from the article
 "and the social inequities experienced by transgender adults are also
linked to an increased risk of cognitive impairment."
    So if Mr.Fox had appeared he might have imposed social inequity
upon any transgender or non-binary individual who crossed his path.
    Better if he stayed away then, at least for the gender inconguent
persons attending the conference. And some of them might be authors.
Don.......My cat's  )\._.,--....,'``.     https://crcomp.net/reviews.php
telltale tall tail /,   _.. \   _\  (`._ ,.    Walk humbly with thy God.
tells tall tales.. `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'    Make 1984 fiction again.
    Heterosexuals seem awfully touchy and proud of it.
I have only had one heterosexual tell me their pronouns.

I have had several homosexuals tell me their pronouns.

2024-10-01 02:53:54 UTC
Post by Bobbie Sellers
Post by Don
Richard Fox is an incredible sci-fi author with his Ember
War series and for Baen Books, and yet Author Nation is
choosing to discriminate against conservatives who don't
want to play pronoun games.
... Fox chose to mock the question rather than take it
seriously in the private survey. He filled out the form
with "f***/off," as he rightly didn't want to play the
game of gender politics for a conference that is supposed
to be about business. ...
Post by Bobbie Sellers
Fox chose to say what he likes to be refered to apart from his name.
Looking at his picture it seems he is male and might prefer to be
designated Him or He. He chose to inject his personal politicis into
the matter. But maybe he did not want to be around the people who
prefer pronouns that may not fit their appearance.
But he is the one who chose to ignore the simple instruction
and maybe he felt entitled as a male author of some standing to ignore
social rules.
Post by Don
Transgender and gender nonbinary adults in the U.S. are
more likely to report worsening memory and thinking,
functional limitations and depression compared to
cisgender (non-transgender) adults, according to two
studies reported at the Alzheimer's Association
International Conference (AAIC) 2021 in Denver and
quoting from the article
"and the social inequities experienced by transgender adults are also
linked to an increased risk of cognitive impairment."
So if Mr.Fox had appeared he might have imposed social inequity
upon any transgender or non-binary individual who crossed his path.
Better if he stayed away then, at least for the gender inconguent
persons attending the conference. And some of them might be authors.
Imposition of inequity is irrelevent. Instead the proposed lawsuit
targets the toxicity of mandatory groupthink.


Don.......My cat's )\._.,--....,'``. https://crcomp.net/reviews.php
telltale tall tail /, _.. \ _\ (`._ ,. Walk humbly with thy God.
tells tall tales.. `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.' Make 1984 fiction again.
Robert Carnegie
2024-10-01 17:01:24 UTC
Post by Don
Richard Fox is an incredible sci-fi author with his Ember
War series and for Baen Books, and yet Author Nation is
choosing to discriminate against conservatives who don't
want to play pronoun games.
... Fox chose to mock the question rather than take it
seriously in the private survey. He filled out the form
with "f***/off," as he rightly didn't want to play the
game of gender politics for a conference that is supposed
to be about business. ...
Transgender and gender nonbinary adults in the U.S. are
more likely to report worsening memory and thinking,
functional limitations and depression compared to
cisgender (non-transgender) adults, according to two
studies reported at the Alzheimer's Association
International Conference (AAIC) 2021 in Denver and
It isn't contagious.

Or at least, we're not admitting that it is.
