(Tears) The Female Man by Joanna Russ
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James Nicoll
2024-10-06 12:18:28 UTC
The Female Man by Joanna Russ

A classic novel of female empowerment from an era when the
sexes did not enjoy the current state of perfect tranquility.

My reviews can be found at http://jamesdavisnicoll.com/
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2024-10-06 16:12:49 UTC
Post by James Nicoll
The Female Man by Joanna Russ
A classic novel of female empowerment from an era when the
sexes did not enjoy the current state of perfect tranquility.
... In Jeannine's world, the Nazis proved a damp squib,
World War Two never happened ...

An excerpt addressing the myth of the eternal world war appears at the
end of this followup. Lindsay Graham recently harped on how he needs "to
keep the war over there from coming here!"
Meanwhile, as comic relief, here's what happens when a female dates
a feminist man:


In _A Rambling Wreck_ (Schantz) pickup artist Amit also attempts to
act as a feminist man with a social conscious. Any resemblance to the
"Big Three"'s dearly departed doctor feminist is entirely coincidental.

"I see what you do," Madison insisted to Amit. "You don't
fool me. You've been pretending like being Indian is the
same as being African-American.

"You think we Indians don't know about oppression?" Amit
replied indignantly. "For centuries the British ruled
India with brutality, deposing our rulers, seizing our
wealth, suppressing and expropriating our culture. Then
adding insult to injury, you misapply our name to the
native peoples of this continent." Madison seemed taken
aback. "You teach yoga, right?"

"Yeah," she acknowledged, tentatively.

"Yoga is a holy ritual for us Indians," Amit explained.
"To see it debased as mere exercise and stretching...
well, it's a cultural appropriation, an insult, an ethnic
affront, a symbol of Western imperialism and domination."

"I didn't know that," Madison looked shocked at the
magnitude of her previously-unappreciated complicity in

"Well, you do now," declared Amit, as if putting her on
notice. "However, we Indians are noted for our generosity
as well. On behalf of my people, I am prepared to absolve
you of your guilt for appropriating our traditions. If
you're going to continue practicing yoga, though, you
really ought to be instructed by a native about the
deeper spiritual meaning of our rituals."

"What kind of rituals?" she asked tentatively.

"There are various tantric poses that can deliver profoundly
satisfying spiritual bonds between two people," Amit
explained. "I could demonstrate," he added, grasping her

She pulled her arm back. "You are so bad," she said. There
was a smile on her face, though.

Excerpt from World War Time Loop:

Escaping the Myth of the Eternal Second World War

... It would probably not surprise Eliade in the slightest
that the war that broke the world he grew up in became the
foundational myth of the world that grew up in its ruins.
People need myths. They lack the strength to confront the
unfiltered procession of atrocities that Eliade called the
terror of history. In the wake of the unprecedented mass
trauma of global mechanized total warfare, it was
inevitable that the war itself would become mythologized.
In the process, World War Two was stripped of its
historicity, emptied of nuance, its many hues desaturated
into shades of grey and then posterized into stark
silhouettes of black and white. It became a comic book, a
horror movie, a video game.

... In the popular imagination of the Western normie, World
War Two is an uncomplicated battle between good and evil.
Hitler is the central character of the drama, a dark god of
storms, blood, and iron whose hypnotic presence inspires
unthinking devotion and atavistic werewolf frenzy in all who
fall under his spell. Hitler is insane, driven by hubris to
conquer the world, determined to exterminate every people
that Nazi race science declares inferior to the Aryan
ubermenschen. Hitler's Nazis are physically perfect,
wielding technology so advanced it verges on sorcery, but
irredeemably maddened by infection with Hitler's unreasoning
hatred of the Other. The avatar of the Other is found in the
person of the long-suffering, innocent Jew, whose only crime
is to be scapegoated for his patient wisdom and kindly
intelligence, which the brilliant but sadistic Nazi cannot

Opposing Hitler, initially reluctantly, are the peace-loving
Allies - always depicted in Hollywood as Americans first and
foremost, British secondarily, and Russian almost never ...
indeed the Russians are quite conspicuous in their absence,
despite that Russia did most of the fighting ... the bear
that didn't growl. The Americans and British are not
ubermenschen like the Nazis - they are just regular Joes,
honest Midwestern farm boys and maybe slightly-less-than-
honest Italian dock workers, with no superpower but gumption,
basic human decency, and a belief in that most sacred of
ideals, the equality of man. Their leaders embody this well-
meaning imperfection: Churchill a fat drunk, Franklin Delano
Roosevelt a cripple, Stalin a ... well let's pass over
Stalin. Flawed as they may be, unlike Hitler, they are not
insane; they do not desire to rule the world; they merely
wish to protect it from the Nazi beast. ...



Don.......My cat's )\._.,--....,'``. https://crcomp.net/reviews.php
telltale tall tail /, _.. \ _\ (`._ ,. Walk humbly with thy God.
tells tall tales.. `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.' Make 1984 fiction again.
2024-10-06 16:39:22 UTC
The link at the bottom of my first followup's wrong.

This followup contains the correct URL for World War Time Loop:
Post by James Nicoll
The Female Man by Joanna Russ
A classic novel of female empowerment from an era when the
sexes did not enjoy the current state of perfect tranquility.
... In Jeannine's world, the Nazis proved a damp squib,
World War Two never happened ...

An excerpt addressing the myth of the eternal world war appears at the
end of this followup. Meanwhile, as comic relief, here's what happens
when a female dates a feminist man:


In _A Rambling Wreck_ (Schantz) pickup artist Amit also attempts to
act as a feminist man with a social conscious. Any resemblance to the
"Big Three"'s dearly departed doctor feminist is entirely coincidental.

"I see what you do," Madison insisted to Amit. "You don't
fool me. You've been pretending like being Indian is the
same as being African-American.

"You think we Indians don't know about oppression?" Amit
replied indignantly. "For centuries the British ruled
India with brutality, deposing our rulers, seizing our
wealth, suppressing and expropriating our culture. Then
adding insult to injury, you misapply our name to the
native peoples of this continent." Madison seemed taken
aback. "You teach yoga, right?"

"Yeah," she acknowledged, tentatively.

"Yoga is a holy ritual for us Indians," Amit explained.
"To see it debased as mere exercise and stretching...
well, it's a cultural appropriation, an insult, an ethnic
affront, a symbol of Western imperialism and domination."

"I didn't know that," Madison looked shocked at the
magnitude of her previously-unappreciated complicity in

"Well, you do now," declared Amit, as if putting her on
notice. "However, we Indians are noted for our generosity
as well. On behalf of my people, I am prepared to absolve
you of your guilt for appropriating our traditions. If
you're going to continue practicing yoga, though, you
really ought to be instructed by a native about the
deeper spiritual meaning of our rituals."

"What kind of rituals?" she asked tentatively.

"There are various tantric poses that can deliver profoundly
satisfying spiritual bonds between two people," Amit
explained. "I could demonstrate," he added, grasping her

She pulled her arm back. "You are so bad," she said. There
was a smile on her face, though.

Excerpt from World War Time Loop:

Escaping the Myth of the Eternal Second World War

... It would probably not surprise Eliade in the slightest
that the war that broke the world he grew up in became the
foundational myth of the world that grew up in its ruins.
People need myths. They lack the strength to confront the
unfiltered procession of atrocities that Eliade called the
terror of history. In the wake of the unprecedented mass
trauma of global mechanized total warfare, it was
inevitable that the war itself would become mythologized.
In the process, World War Two was stripped of its
historicity, emptied of nuance, its many hues desaturated
into shades of grey and then posterized into stark
silhouettes of black and white. It became a comic book, a
horror movie, a video game.

... In the popular imagination of the Western normie, World
War Two is an uncomplicated battle between good and evil.
Hitler is the central character of the drama, a dark god of
storms, blood, and iron whose hypnotic presence inspires
unthinking devotion and atavistic werewolf frenzy in all who
fall under his spell. Hitler is insane, driven by hubris to
conquer the world, determined to exterminate every people
that Nazi race science declares inferior to the Aryan
ubermenschen. Hitler's Nazis are physically perfect,
wielding technology so advanced it verges on sorcery, but
irredeemably maddened by infection with Hitler's unreasoning
hatred of the Other. The avatar of the Other is found in the
person of the long-suffering, innocent Jew, whose only crime
is to be scapegoated for his patient wisdom and kindly
intelligence, which the brilliant but sadistic Nazi cannot

Opposing Hitler, initially reluctantly, are the peace-loving
Allies - always depicted in Hollywood as Americans first and
foremost, British secondarily, and Russian almost never ...
indeed the Russians are quite conspicuous in their absence,
despite that Russia did most of the fighting ... the bear
that didn't growl. The Americans and British are not
ubermenschen like the Nazis - they are just regular Joes,
honest Midwestern farm boys and maybe slightly-less-than-
honest Italian dock workers, with no superpower but gumption,
basic human decency, and a belief in that most sacred of
ideals, the equality of man. Their leaders embody this well-
meaning imperfection: Churchill a fat drunk, Franklin Delano
Roosevelt a cripple, Stalin a ... well let's pass over
Stalin. Flawed as they may be, unlike Hitler, they are not
insane; they do not desire to rule the world; they merely
wish to protect it from the Nazi beast. ...



Don.......My cat's )\._.,--....,'``. https://crcomp.net/reviews.php
telltale tall tail /, _.. \ _\ (`._ ,. Walk humbly with thy God.
tells tall tales.. `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.' Make 1984 fiction again.
Christian Weisgerber
2024-10-07 22:25:56 UTC
Post by James Nicoll
The Female Man by Joanna Russ
A classic novel of female empowerment from an era when the
sexes did not enjoy the current state of perfect tranquility.
Humans have weird problems. I mean, how do you even tell human
males and femals apart?
*swipes pseudopod across screen*
*extends eyestalk*
"Encyclopedia Galactica: How to Sex a Human"
Christian "naddy" Weisgerber ***@mips.inka.de
Christian Weisgerber
2024-10-08 01:50:18 UTC
Post by Christian Weisgerber
Post by James Nicoll
The Female Man by Joanna Russ
A classic novel of female empowerment from an era when the
sexes did not enjoy the current state of perfect tranquility.
Humans have weird problems. I mean, how do you even tell human
males and femals apart?
*swipes pseudopod across screen*
*extends eyestalk*
"Encyclopedia Galactica: How to Sex a Human"
So you can check for... but... except...
This seems difficult.
I guess you can just probe the genitals?

Let me try with the pet human we have here...
It keeps moving away... I need to pin it down. There.
Ugh, it keeps wriggling.
This is difficult!
Christian "naddy" Weisgerber ***@mips.inka.de